This is always a good time. We were doing events nearly every month. We had to take a break due to doing activities outside of the studio. What were we doing, you may ask? We have been doing Beyond the Bell with Tacoma Public Schools and with Metro Parks Tacoma.
We have been delighted to do this, and honestly it adds another layer of what we do. So events were put on hold due to planning and developing our programing for Beyond the Bell. Now we can get back to events.
We will have a change out of staff. Our team is amazing and we wish all of those that will leave us an amazing future. Some will be moving to other states as they graduate. Others are entering college and may have to move. Regardless, they will all be sorely missed.
This gives us an opportunity now to prepare for when folks start leaving this summer. Don't worry, we have a new group of folks that are coming and they will also be amazing. We have some staff that focuses mostly on Beyond the Bell so we can add more schools. We will have some that focus more on social media, as a couple of our gurus of social media will be moving away. We have others who will focus on events like Late Night Paint Night, and POTtery Night. Could there be other events coming? Well you just have to wait and see. We are always looking at other opportunities that we can bring to the studio.
So with that, April will bring back the events that everyone loves. Be sure to get your tickets soon.